ili was a cloth diaper baby from the time she was 2 months old until she potty-trained just before her 2nd birthday. i'm looking forward to cloth diapering baby #4 from day 1. here's a pic of ili in a gDiaper.
gDiapers are a two-part hybrid system (hybrid diaper: consists of a washable, reusable cloth diaper cover which can be used with either biodegradable disposable inserts or washable cloth inserts) featuring washable cotton gpants with a snap-in liner made of breathable nylon that is permeable to water vapor, but waterproof to liquid helping to prevent diaper rash and over-heating. gDiapers are plastic-free, elemental chlorine free, latex free, and perfume free, both the gpant and liner are machine-washable. insert options include 100% biodegradable gRefills, washable gCloth or homemade cloth inserts. gRefills can be home composted, tossed, or flushed. gRefills are the only certified 100% biodegradable diaper and break down in about 3 months, unlike disposables which can take up to 500 years. when the gRefill or gCloth is soiled simply remove, replace, and re-use the same little gpant.
ili's daycare provider had no problem with gDiapers, i simply loaded ili's diaper bag with 5 gDiapers and a wet bag and instructed her daycare to place the soiled diaper in the wet bag and send it home.
i love the fit of gDiapers, they were very trim on ili compared to other types of diapers we'd used and cost efficient since we made our own cloth inserts. the most surprising benefit of gDiapers is the resale value, especially on limited edition prints. when i found out baby #4 is a boy, i traded a limited edition gDarling set of ili's for a newborn baby bundle which retails over $100. there is a whole community of gDiaper users who buy, trade and sell their stash, find them here on facebook.
the greatest benefit is the customer support. if you need help figuring out the proper sizing, the reason behind a sudden diaper leak or replacing worn velcro, you can easily reach a gDiaper therapist by phone, email or facebook.
i'm looking forward to trying out the tiny gpants when baby #4 gets here. they fit newborns weighing 6-10 lbs and do not require a snap-in liner like the larger sized gpants. i'll be sure to post a follow-up review.
check out other gDiaper accessories like biodegradable wipes, wet and laundry bags here. i'm lucky enough to own a gTote (no longer available) which i still use now that ili is out of diapers.
here's a link to a homemade cloth inserts tutorial. for more information on gDiapers, here's a link on how it all began.